Personal Training in Cannock
Train Learn Go is a your number one mobile service for personal training in Cannock.
If you found your way to us then you probably already have a goal in mind, you either want to lose weight, gain muscle or improve sports performance in some way, for this we commend you!
You have taken the most difficult step of your journey to a better you already, you know what you want but you just can't figure out how to get it.
Luckily that is where we come in, our expert staff have extensive knowledge of both personal training and nutrition. Their combined experience of taking literally hundreds of clients of all shapes, sizes and abilities from your average Joe to professional athletes, means that you are in safe and very competent hands.
Our Personal Training Team in Cannock
We would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to our awesome personal training team in Cannock, that hopefully you will be getting to know really well over the next few months!
At present we have...

Andy Dowen
Personal Trainer (Cannock)
Andy Dowen is actually the Managing Director here at Train Learn Go and has had 11 years experience with personal training and nutrition, he is affectionately known to us and "the wizard" because of his uncanny ability to both estimate his clients caloric intake requirements precisely every time and his mystic power of being able to set an ambitious bodyfat percentage goal and then meet or exceed it much to this amazement of his clients.
But I've tried other personal trainers in Cannock, why are you different?
Well, we like to think about it like this - If you want a good result in something, not even necessarily fitness, weight loss or training, you can't just attack it blindly and expect to get very far at all.
We speak to people all the time who will tell you they have been going to the gym for one, two, four, ten years and have seen little to no change what so ever!
Obviously whatever they are doing isn't working for them then, that much is clear.
But why not?
Some people lack the motivation to get much done in the gym, some people lack the knowledge to train effectively, other simply are not training in a way that their body responds to.
What we do is use a "from the ground up" approach, we need to take a step back and look at the whole picture.
So how does your approach work?
Our personal training sessions are short
One thing you don't want is to be stuck in a gym all day long, it's time-consuming and counter-productive, what you need is a short and sweet session that is intense enough to tax your body, giving it a reason to want to adapt and change.
When we say intense, we mean it. What you will get from half an hour from us will be far more beneficial than an entire week of whatever you were doing before. When you pay for personal training, your going to get one to one attention from your personal trainer who whilst being firm and encouraging will get the job done without ever bullying you like some other trainers do.
We come to you!
Train Learn Go is, we think the Midlands Number 1 mobile personal training in Cannock service!
But I don't have all the fancy equipment a professional gym has, you may be thinking...
Not to worry, you don't need it. We will bring everything that's need with us and all we need from you is an area a couple of metres squared to work out in, this may be your living room, bedroom, garden or local park.
You will see from several of our videos on YouTube, we incorporate a large array of tools into tailoring a workout to your needs as well.
We cater to all abilities and skill levels. If you are slightly more mature and are no longer as flexible as you once were, that's not a problem we can design your workout around things that you can do without pain or risk of injury.
We teach you about the science of Nutrition
What good is all the right training if you're not making the most of it with a balanced and healthy diet?
There is a staggering number of people with very skewed perception of what a "good" diet it. Unfortunately the health and fitness industry has pumped out a huge amount of utter lies to consumers throughout it's history. It has become purely a money making machine, rather than helping you, it's more important that you are buying into the latest gimmick, fad or supplement that promises incredible results but ALWAYS fails to deliver.
A lot of people don't seen to realise this and take every word they read on diet and nutrition as gospel, in reality this could be creating quite several imbalances in your diet and you will literally be fighting your own body for results. This is a fight you cannot win!
We take a scientific approach to nutrition, we look at what happens to the nutrients in the body and how that effects performance and results. Over 10 hours, we will teach your everything you need to know. We don't want to baffle you with science, give you something that gets you some results and then leave you high and dry. We want you to leave us knowing how you did it, and what you need to do in the future to be in complete control of your body.
Get a great personal trainer, great knowledge and understanding and a great result NOW!
We are currently taking on new clients although personal training in Cannock is proving to be a popular package, so if you're interested get in touch quick and book yourself a place!
It may be the best decision you've ever made and we can almost guarantee that you will feel like a whole new you when we are done with you!
Get in touch by requesting a FREE consultation now, or even call us on 07540 842574